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深海沉积物中有孔虫壳体的微量元素、同位素测试技术已较为成熟,而河口近海沉积物中有孔虫壳体元素微区测试却鲜有报道。本文报道了一种利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)分析法测试取自长江口外沉积物中的有孔虫壳体元素/钙比值的技术,研究了氦气载气流量、能量密度、束斑大小、激光剥蚀频率等参数对测试结果的影响,优化了活体有孔虫原位分析方法。应用确定的测试条件对2016年7月取自长江口外的底栖有孔虫优美花朵虫样品(Florilus decors)进行测试,发现Mg、Sr等元素/钙比值在壳体不同位置上无显著差异,而Mn的数据较为离散,可能与有孔虫生长过程中经历的水环境及其变化有关。  相似文献   
Remote sensing data have been widely applied to extract minerals in geologic exploration, however, in areas covered by vegetation, extracted mineral information has mostly been small targets bearing little information. In this paper, we present a new method for mineral extraction aimed at solving the difficulty of mineral identification in vegetation covered areas. The method selected six sets of spectral difference coupling between soil and plant (SVSCD). These sets have the same vegetation spectra reflectance and a maximum different reflectance of soil and mineral spectra from Hyperion image based on spectral reflectance characteristics of measured spectra. The central wavelengths of the six, selected band pairs were 2314 and 701 nm, 1699 and 721 nm, 1336 and 742 nm, 2203 and 681 nm, 2183 and 671 nm, and 2072 and 548 nm. Each data set’s reflectance was used to calculate the difference value. After band difference calculation, vegetation information was suppressed and mineral abnormal information was enhanced compared to the scatter plot of original band. Six spectral difference couplings, after vegetation inhibition, were arranged in a new data set that requires two components that have the largest eigenvalue difference from principal component analysis (PCA). The spatial geometric structure features of PC1 and PC2 was used to identify altered minerals by spectral feature fitting (SFF). The collecting rocks from the 10 points that were selected in the concentration of mineral extraction were analyzed under a high-resolution microscope to identify metal minerals and nonmetallic minerals. Results indicated that the extracted minerals were well matched with the verified samples, especially with the sample 2, 4, 5 and 8. It demonstrated that the method can effectively detect altered minerals in vegetation covered area in Hyperion image.  相似文献   
北京平原地区VS30估算模型适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文使用基于钻孔测井数据的3类模型,即常速度外推模型、速度梯度模型、双深度参数外推模型,通过对北京地区460个深度超过30m的钻孔剪切波速资料进行分析,详细探究了VS30估算模型在本研究区的适用性。研究结果表明双深度参数外推模型在估算VS30上准确度很高,其不需要大量的数据进行回归分析,且不具有区域独立性,可以为全球包括北京地区场地类别划分提供依据,进而在震害快速评估中用于确定场地影响,是一种值得推广的估算模型。  相似文献   
由于在平衡计算效率和精度上具有优势,Boussinesq相位解析数学模型研究不断取得突破,已成为波浪和水流精细化模拟的较优解析方式,为海岸工程、环境、地质等问题提供了实用和高效的研究手段。本文对已有Boussinesq类模型的研究进行了评述,深入探讨其重要发展、实际应用和理论瓶颈,从高阶非静压修正、GPU准三维高性能算法编译、波浪破碎和泥沙运移沉积等4个方面提出未来可能的科学突破方向。  相似文献   
陶伟  蔡浩辉  廖健豪 《地理科学》2020,40(4):637-645
选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的人为筛选、种养品种的多样化以及土地流转的推广均为政府、村民和外来企业为实现各自利益而共同协商达成的策略,不同行动者共同利用与改造着农业生产的各种要素;农产品消费领域中,政府和企业逐步承担了农产品商品化的后续工序,国有资本完成农产品的收购、加工与包装,外来商业资本负责建构商品品牌,满足目标消费者的市场需求是他们的共同目标。  相似文献   
基于甘肃省河东地区61个气象站点1988—2017年逐日气温数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验,Sen’s斜率估计方法分析甘肃省河东地区极端气温指数的时空变化趋势,并探讨极端气温指数与其影响因素之间的关系,最后利用NAR神经网络结合Hurst指数对甘肃省河东地区极端气温指数变化进行预测分析。结果表明:(1)从时间上看,冷极值相对指数呈下降趋势,冷极值绝对指数、暖极值以及气温日较差、作物生长期呈上升趋势。(2)从空间上看,对冷极值变化反应最为敏感的是高寒湿润区,对暖极值变化反应最为敏感的是温带半湿润区和北亚热带湿润区,除北亚热带湿润区外各区域作物生长期的变化都达到了显著水平,而气温日较差仅在温带半湿润区达到了显著水平。(3)多数极端气温指数与经纬度、海拔之间有显著相关性,但受区域自然特点影响,经度与海拔对其影响实为一类。(4)亚洲区极涡强度、北半球极涡强度以及青藏高原指数B与极端气温指数变化有密切关系,而太阳黑子等只与个别指数之间存在显著的相关性。(5)预测出的极端气温指数冷极值相对指数仍呈现下降趋势,冷极值的绝对指数、暖极值以及气温日较差、作物生长期仍然呈现增加趋势,但大多数指数与1988—2017年相比变化幅度有所降低。(6)与其他区域相比甘肃省河东地区大多数气温指数变化幅度处于中间水平,表现出其为多种不同气候区、自然区交界地带的特色。  相似文献   
李江  柳莹  刘生云  彭兆轩  吴涛 《干旱区地理》2020,43(6):1409-1416
截止 2018 年,全疆(含兵团)已建、在建及拟建水库 722 座(包括电站水库),总库容 295.0 × 108 m3。有力地改善了水资源调控和利用效率,在灌溉、供水、防洪、发电、旅游等方面发挥了极其 重要的作用。新时期按照水利部“水利工程补短板、水利行业强监管”的工作总基调,针对南北疆 水资源配置不平衡问题、水资源利用不充分问题,谋划提出了兴建数十座大中型山区水库,以及提 升已建水库大坝信息化管理水平、加强水库调度运行管理,在满足生态需水的前提下统筹生活、生 产供水,最大程度发挥水库效益、确保水库安全运行。针对新时期气候变化条件下水库洪水风险 分析、大坝建设需要重点关注的几项关键技术、山区水库替代平原水库、河流健康与生态调度、水库 清淤与能力提升、水库信息化与智能调度以及延长服役期等问题进行了探讨,提出若干对策建议。  相似文献   
李国平  杨艺  徐祯  李涛 《世界地理研究》2020,29(6):1091-1101
新型冠状病毒疫情扩散范围广、感染人数多,被世界卫生组织列为“国际公共卫生紧急事件”。以2003年中国非典型肺炎、2009年墨西哥甲型H1N1流感、2015年韩国中东呼吸道综合症和截至目前的2020年全球新冠疫情作为典型案例,比较全球重大疫情的经济影响与各地的响应措施,有助于积极探索更好地应对本次新冠疫情经济影响的政策响应途径。在历次疫情影响下,中国、墨西哥、韩国、美国等国家的经济系统都受到了突发疫情的重大影响。2003年中国第二季度GDP增速环比降低1.98%,交通运输、住宿、餐饮等第三产业首当其冲;墨西哥2009年GDP增长率降至-5.286%,旅游、零售餐饮与猪肉行业受到较大冲击;韩国2015年GDP增速由2014年的3.3%降至2.79%,旅游业与零售业的市场需求受到极大抑制;美国2020年第二季度实际GDP按年率计算下滑32.9%,是自1947年以来的最大降幅。为此,各国政府积极响应和应对,多策并举减轻疫情对经济系统的短期冲击:一是通过设立专项资金、增加财政预算,全面支持经济复苏;二是通过为企业提供经营补贴、延缓税收缴纳等举措,减轻企业尤其中小企业的经营负担;三是通过电商平台、城市宣传、简化签证手续等举措,振兴旅游业和商业发展。为了更好地应对此次新型冠状病毒疫情对经济系统的影响,各国应当统筹疫情防控与经济发展,积极采取减费降税、减少企业负担、扶持第三产业等响应举措,尽快恢复正常的世界经济秩序。  相似文献   
Yu  Wanhui  Zhang  Lijuan  Zhang  Hongwen  Jiang  Lanqi  Zhang  Ankang  Pan  Tao 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(3):439-454
The effects of human activities on climate change are a significant area of research in the field of global environmental change. Land use and land cover change(LUCC) has a greater effect on climate than greenhouse gases, and the effect of farmland expansion on regional drought is particularly important. From the 1910 s to the 2010 s, cultivated land in Songnen Plain increased by 2.67 times, the area of cultivated land increased from 4.92×10~4 km~2 to 13.14×10~4 km~2, and its percentage of all land increased from 25% to 70%. This provides an opportunity to study the effects of the conversion of natural grassland to farmland on climate. In this study, the drought indices in Songnen Plain were evaluated from the 1910 s to the 2010 s, and the effect of farmland expansion on drought was investigated using statistical methods and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model based on UK's Climatic Research Unit data. The resulting dryness index, Palmer drought severity index, and standardized precipitation index values indicated a significant drying trend in the study area from 1981 to 2010. This trend can be attributed to increases in maximum temperature and diurnal temperature range, which increased the degree of drought. Based on statistical analysis and simulation, the maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, and sensible heat flux increased during the growing season in Songnen Plain over the past 100 years, while the minimum temperature and latent heat flux decreased. The findings indicate that farmland expansion caused a drying trend in Songnen Plain during the study period.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal residual network (ST-ResNet) leverages the power of deep learning (DL) for predicting the volume of citywide spatio-temporal flows. However, this model, neglects the dynamic dependency of the input flows in the temporal dimension, which affects what spatio-temporal features may be captured in the result. This study introduces a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network into the ST-ResNet to form a hybrid integrated-DL model to predict the volumes of citywide spatio-temporal flows (called HIDLST). The new model can dynamically learn the temporal dependency among flows via the feedback connection in the LSTM to improve accurate captures of spatio-temporal features in the flows. We test the HIDLST model by predicting the volumes of citywide taxi flows in Beijing, China. We tune the hyperparameters of the HIDLST model to optimize the prediction accuracy. A comparative study shows that the proposed model consistently outperforms ST-ResNet and several other typical DL-based models on prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we discuss the distribution of prediction errors and the contributions of the different spatio-temporal patterns.  相似文献   
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